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上海蝴蝶宝贝公益足球赛 专项基金 章程

Shanghai Guofeng Charity Foundation

Shanghai Butterfly Football Cup Special Fund Constitutions

一、 基金成立:Establishment of the Fund:


Shanghai Guofeng Charity Foundation Shanghai Butterfly Football Cup Special Fund (hereinafter referred to as“the Special Fund”) was established on December 1, 2024.

二、宗旨及目的:Object and purpose:


The mission of the Fund: Social Service & Fellowship – fostering Charity and developing Fellowship among members.


The purpose of the Fund: to raise funds under the leadership of the Charity Foundation. Manage the money raised with the aim of supporting difficult familes children’s well-being (health & education) through concrete actions in China and serving the needy, at the same time, to establish good social relations for China charity


本基金设社长1名:现由Jean MINGEAU担任。

秘书长1名:现由Nicolas THEVENOT担任。

理事会5人:包括会长Jean MINGEAU、秘书长Nicolas THEVENOT财务长Pierre PIZZETTA、理事Igal CHREKY、理事Quoc Phong CHAU及理事宋祥杏6人。

The fund has 1 President:  Jean MINGEAU

1 Secretary General: Nicolas THEVENOT

5 board members: Jean MINGEAU (President), Nicolas THEVENOT (Secretary), Pierre PIZZETTA (treasurer), Igal CHREKY, Quoc Phong CHAU, Susan Song.

四、功能小组:Functional groups:


The Special Fund has 3 functional groups: Membership Group, Community Service Group, and Fellowship Gruop.


The chairpersons, chairmen and directors of each functional group will be elected in March each year, term of office for one year, which is from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. The Standing Committee may add or remove individual permanent or temporary functional groups when necessary

五、会员资格及参与方式:Membership and participation methods:



Members of the Fund must be successful people who live in Shanghai area, are enthusiastic about public welfare and have certain social relations.

The expansion of the membership of the Fund is by invitation: the entry of new members must be approved by a majority of the Board.

六、日常议事会议:Regular meetings:



1. The Foundation holds about one council meeting per month:

The Board of Director shall have the right to temporarily adjust the date of the Board meeting or call a special meeting depending on the specific operation of the Fund


2. The President shall notify all members of the Board of Directors of the agenda and topics of the Board’s meeting 7 days in advance


3. The minutes of the Board meeting will be sent to all members after the meeting.

七、社员义务:Member obligations:


1. The attendance rate of members shall not be less than 30% per year.


2. Members should actively participate in the projects of the Special Fund.


3. If a member is invited to act as president or chairman of a group, he or she should make every effort to do his or her job well.


4. Members shall pay attention to conversation, manners and manners in public, avoid adverse rumors and maintain the image of the Special Fund.


1、本基金财务长由Pierre PIZZETTA担任,负责整理、记录善款使用情况,并负责与上海市国峯慈善基金会核数。

1. The Chief Financial Officer of the Fund is Pierre PIZZETTA. Who is responsible for organization and recording the use of charity funds, and is responsible for auditing with charitable foundations.


2. To use the charity funds, the fundraising must be signed and agreed by the president or secretary general of the special fund, and then signed by one of the board member.


3. The use of the raised charitable funds shall be published on the website of Shanghai Guofeng Charity Foundation every quarter



1. If a member violates the regulations of the Fund, he/she shall be removed from the membership only after being proposed by the Board of Directors and approved by half of the participants at the regular meeting


2. The board meeting can be held only if more than half of the board members attend the meeting. The resolution at the meeting shall be subject to the minutes of the meeting. Participants in the meeting shall check the contents within 7 days after receiving the minutes of the meeting.


3. The above-mentioned year refers to the period from July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

十、补充: 每年6月底前,本基金的新任社长/秘书长及理事名单,将以”补充协议”方式提交上海国峯慈善基金会,并自同年7月1日以新的名单为正式有效名单,为期1年(至次年6月30日止),依此类推.

Supplement: Before the end of May each year, the list of new president/secretary and director of the Fund will be submitted to the GFCF in the form of “Supplemental Agreement”, and the new list will be officially valid on July 1 of the same year for a period of 1 Year (until June 30 of the following year), and so on


Shanghai Guofeng Charity Foundation

Shanghai Butterfly Football Cup Special Fund


December 1, 2024

Rio Yuan
